

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, non-invasive treatment which helps restore your body's natural balance. Reflexology works by applying pressure on specific points of the feet to release energy blockages, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. 

Reflexology is not just a massage. It can help improve circulation, relaxation. improves mood, aids sleep, relieves tension, anxiety, stress and promotes a sense of wellbeing.

Reflexology is not a cure and does not replace conventional medicine. It is used as a complementary therapy.

I use Songbird or Flying Wild for my Reflexology wax, which varies from Tree Tree and Mint to Citrus or Lavender. However if you have any allergies to aromatherapy oils, I also have a scent free vegan version.

Zone Face Lift was created by one of the UK's leading Reflexologists Ziggie Bergman, who has created a holistic approach to combine beauty and wellbeing. Zone Face Lift offers a natural facial treatment, developed from specialised techniques around the world that work physically on the face to help tone facial muscles, encourage collagen and elastin regeneration and help reduce the appearance of fine lines.

In addition to physical benefits Zone Face Lift also works holistically, by incorporating Facial Reflexology and natural crystal tools and techniques used to stimulate the reflexes. Resulting in a feeling of deep relaxation and a rebalance of the whole body.


Aside from improving sleep, assisting the body to rebalance itself and removing toxins, Facial Reflexology boasts a wealth of beauty benefits. The motion of the movement helps to work the facial muscles, stimulate lymph and blood flow, releases muscular tension and leaves the skin with a radiant glow. All resulting in a younger, firmer and plumper skin.

I use Tropic Skincare in all my Facial Reflexology and Zone Face Lift treatments. I love the fact that Tropic Skincare are an award winning vegan skincare thats cruelty-free and freshly made using sustainably-sourced natural ingredients from around the globe.


Reflexology is a complementary therapy that can be considered to support your journey through peri-menopause and menopause. It has been found to be very effective in helping both the physical and emotional symptoms of the menopause. I also encourage clients to look at additional ways to support this process through healthier eating, exercise/movement and improving sleep patterns.


A combination of Reflexology lasting 45 minutes and Facial Reflexology lasting 30  minutes. Enjoy the benefit of both treatments and leave the treatment room walking on air. Not only do you benefit from a double session of reflexology, your face will have a radiant glow and feel plumper, firmer and more youthful.