
what can i expect after a session?

After a Reflexology treatment it is important to remember that your body carries on reacting to the treatment for about 24 hours. Therefore, to fully benefit from the treatment, I recommended these aftercare guidelines;

Increase your water intake

      Reduce stimulants such as caffeine, smoking and alcohol intake for the next 24 hours

 Eat light meals

  Take it nice and easy – no over-exertion

Following your treatment, you may experience reactions whilst the body is eliminating toxins and is beginning to self- heal. They should last no longer than 24/48 hours. These reactions may include;

Feeling extremely tired or increased energy levels


Increased urination and/or bowel movement

Slight rash as skin rebalances itself

Deeper sleep or difficulty getting to sleep

These reactions are a positive sign that your body has responded to the treatment and is re-balancing itself.